Tuesday, January 29, 2019

"A Weakening Global Expansion", according to the IMF

The International Monetary Fund published, January 21, its World Economic Outlook Update. Six months ago, its economists projected that the world economy would grow by 3.9% in 2019. Last October, it was revised to 3.7%, and, now, it stands at 3.5%. The IMF worries are mainly related to an eventual escalation of trade tensions, the level of public and private debt, Brexit without an aggreement with the European Unoin and an economic slowdown in China that would be more severe than what is actually anticipated.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Leading Economic Indicators from the OECD...

... point again to a slowdown of the world economy during the first semester of this year. The most recent monthly data on those indicators were published January 14 on the OECD web page.