Thursday, October 22, 2015

Growth slowdown in the United States

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index and monthly leading indicators from the Conference Board and the OECD all show that the pace of growth in the United States is slowing down and that this trend will continue in the coming months.


Conference Board:


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Quebec economy: modest to moderate growth in the coming months

The recent evolution of the Desjardins Leading Index (DLI) lets believe that Quebec economy expands now at a pace going from modest to moderate, and that it will follow a similar trend in the coming months. The most recent data and analysis on the DLI were published October 13.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Slower growth in the OECD area in the coming months

Monthly leading indicators published October 8 by the OECD point to slower growth in the coming months in that area, but the euro zone economic outlook should be stable.
